July 15, 2010

Ninja Goose

About Jack

Cold blooded animal, it needs either some time at sunlight or a hot bath. Unique Species, it's thought that the origin of this creature is similar to the TMNT. Addicted to Dr. Pemberton's formula, nor right nor left. Besides being the only known heterothermal able of speaking, it has a wide imagination. It has a criminal record for trying to murder Jesus althought it was release due of to the lack of evidence. It lives among humans, but haven't learn to adapt to the environment yet, it sometimes friendly but it is recommended to approach with great caution.

This will be the woltzmedia.com from now on. It'll be a blog, a free one btw. With this first post I'm actually testing the send via mail post, and social networks integration. I hope to post some real content soon, when I got time. Here will be sketches, concepts, muck ups, and thoughts of whatever comes in my mind.